But, no leftovers for me this year. It's going to be a quiet Thanksgiving with just me, Allen and my dad. We're taking Daddy to a restaurant because even a couple of hours at my house can make him nervous these days. He doesn't like to get too far away from his assisted living home. He loves going out to eat though. Then Allen and I will head home where I have to work! Yep, on Thanksgiving. The copy edited manuscript arrived (via computer) and it's due by December first. Then I'll be able to really get back to writing Spider Web (which is already behind--story of my life since 1992). The next time I'll see State Fair it'll be a bound galley (that's the one they send out to bookstores and reviewers).
There's not much else to report which is why I haven't blogged. I write. I rewrite. I deal with promotion stuff. I clean house (well, not that often). I walk my dog (or take him to daycare) I eat (way too often--a bag of marshmallows has been my downfall today). Over the next four days when I'm not writing I'm going to attempt to scrapbook my Christmas photos. All of them. Since I'm not planning on decorating much this year, I decided that would be a good project. I have managed to cull most of them out of my 36 (or more) years of photos. It was surprising and sad how few I have of my and Allen's first five or six years of marriage. Or the three years we dated. We were poor, grant you that, but why didn't we take at least a roll of twelve for each Christmas? Answer: We were young, lived in the moment and it didn't occur to us we'd want a record of those moments later in life. (Or that we'd ever be old!) If today's generation is too photographed, I'd say my generation didn't take enough of our early years. Ah, well, that's what memories are for, right?
Hope you make (and take photos of!) lots of wonderful Thanksgiving memories. I'm most thankful for your support all these years.
Happy Turkey (and all the trimmings) Trails, Earlene